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    [世界500强英文面试题:分析判断能力]动手能力强 英文

    时间:2018-09-03 11:39:04 来源:工作范文网 本文已影响 工作范文网手机站


      1) 请给出一个事例,表明你在面对情况非常复杂的局面的时候是如何分析和评估的。

      Tell me about a complex situation which you have had to analyze and assess.


      2) 当你面对一个有矛盾冲突的问题时,你会怎么做?

      When you have been faced with conflicting information about a problem, what have you done?

      3) 请列举一个你在工作中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。

      Tell me about an occasion where you successfully maintained your objectivity in addressing a sensitive and difficult situation at work.
