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    高一英语重点词汇 [高一英语必修Unit2词汇句子总结]

    时间:2018-09-03 11:26:52 来源:工作范文网 本文已影响 工作范文网手机站

      这篇人教版高一英语必修Unit 2 English around the word语言点总结是小编整理的,旨在提供综合运用所需材料,希望能够帮到你!重视衔接,做好过渡高一新学期伊始!

      Unit 2 English around the word

      Word usage

      1. include v.

      a) contain

      eg. The price includes both house and furniture.

      b) embrace thing as part of whole

      eg. I include him among my friends.

      2. present

      a) adj: being at hand; being now出席的, 在场的;现在的, 当前的 该词可做前置定语也可做后置定语,当它做前置定语其义为“现在的”, 做后置定语其义为“出席的”

      eg. The present members 现在的成员

      The members present 在场的成员

      b) n: gift

      eg. He often gave his neighbor's kids little presents.

      C)vt: to offer赠送,呈献[(+to/with)]

      eg. They presented him with a bunch of flowers.

      3. culture

      n: [C][U] understanding of literature, art, music, etc

      eg. He has studied the cultures of many western countries.

      4.identity n: who or what a person or thing is

      eg. You should show your identity card before you enter it.


      a) n:custom or statement about what must not be done

      eg. He’s made it a rule to rise early.

      It’s against the rules of the school to smoke.

      b) vt: to govern or control

      c) eg. The queen ruled her country for 20 years.

      6. Request

      a) vt: to ask for

      b) eg. They requested financial support.


      I requested that he (should) come an hour earlier.

      B )n: asking or being asked

      eg. Mr. Paine made a request that I should help him.


      a) vt: give orders to

      eg. I command you to start at once.


      I command that you (should) start at once.

      b) n: order

      eg. The army received the command to fire.

      8.Actually adv

      eg. She looks young, but she's actually 50.

      Did you actually see him break the window?

      9.International adj: of relating to or involving two or more countries in the world 国际的

      eg. They are dealing with the international affairs.

      Many African countries received international help.

      10.modern adj: recent

      eg. This is a book of modern history.

      There is a modern hospital.

      11. vocabulary n: all the words of language

      eg. Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.

      My English vocabulary is limited.

      12.rapidly adv: quickly

      eg. Our country develops rapidly.

      The number of learning English is increasing rapidly.
